(And here is Sally's Summer Newsletter)
2011 Summer Newsletter
Sally Delap-John
It’s May 24, 2011 and snowing in Truchas, New Mexico. There has been at least one snow day per week since our move here at the end of April. The stormy days are providing dramatic scenery and light effects, however, and also making it possible to paint a snow scene at this time of year. Maybe that’s not so unusual - I’ll be finding that out in the years to come.
I haven’t seen much wild life, except in town!!, but last Friday on the way home from Taos, we saw a small herd of deer, and later, an elk. Thankfully all were safely off the road. My dog Freckles, is an unending source of story material. Cattle guards freak her out and the drive to Santa Fe has five of them before you get to the junction at Pojoaque. After cattle guard #4, Freckles jumped up and suddenly we were stopping with the horn blowing. I pulled off and saw that she had pushed the gear shift(on the tree) to reverse. I put it in "park" and we surveyed the situation. All was fine, but it was startling.
I’ve been out painting recently, but am still trying to sort through all that we moved.. The gallery is open most days. I’m planning a workshop for August 10 and 11. This workshop is open to all media, though I’ll be demonstrating oil. The date is close to Indian Market, as always, so that visitors may enjoy that event too.
I’ll be updating my website to reflect gallery changes. I have completely left the Door Gallery in Fresno - missing all my gallery-mates and especially missing the class that I’ve enjoyed teaching these past several years. I still have a very few paintings at the Art Stand until the middle of July. Again, a separation from friends and fellow artists that all worked so hard to make our co-op a success, and it continues to go on. I remain the gallery artist for Cedar View Winery, where I’m showing watercolors reflecting the Central Valley of California and grapes and vineyards.
I’ll be participating in the High Road Art Tour here at my gallery/studio the last two weekends of September - 17,18, and 24,25. I continue to have work at the High Road Market Place, here in Truchas.
Biggest news is having work accepted at Manitou Galleries new site on Canyon Road in Santa Fe. The Grand Opening is June 24 if any of you are in the area, come and say hello.
From Truchas: